Cemeteries in Kobišnica and Bukovče, Negotin municipality, Bor administrative county

Cemeteries in Kobišnica and Bukovče

Regional Institute for the protection of cultural monuments Niš

Кретање виртуалне камере око објекта, "орбит" стил..

Cemeteries in Kobišnica and Bukovče
Negotin municipality, Bor administrative county

Recorded cultural monument enjoying previous protection

Where is it located?

The cemeteries are located in the municipality of Negotin in East Serbia, in the villages of Kobišnica and Bukovče. They are the villages built on the gravel terrace almost 30 meters above the plain. Both villages are big and as there is no formal line to separate them, so they appear to be one big settlement. The only distinguishing line is the communal church.



Necropolies belonging to the villages of Kobišnica and Bukovče are unique for the type of tombstone characteristic for the Eastern Serbia of the 18th, 19th and early 20th century.






The old cemetery is located in the vicinity of villages Kobišnica and Bukovče, Negotin municipality. It was established in the second half of the 18th century, today spanning almost 10 acres. It has about 2000 tombstones made of stone and represents one of the rare preserved ambient units.


The tombstones are made of sandstone from the local quarries, probably with stone masons being local craftsmen.
The most frequent shape of tombstones is the cross, in many different variations: with even, extended or rounded arms, and from the 19th century onward, a cross with a slate in the bottom part is also frequent. Slabs are also common, most usually rectangular and richly ornamented on all sides. Most rare are the capped columns and they are also most modestly crafted.
Ornaments on the tombstones are varied, mostly stylized. They are most often lines, indents, geometrical and floral shapes; the ornaments are placed on the entire surface of the tombstones. In the late 19th century, architectural elements start featuring as decorations, including little columns and stylized representations of temples, and sometimes the arches made of spirally twisted strips.
Apart from the ornaments, text is also frequently featured.


18th, 19th, 20th century.


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